Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

How Long Does It Takes To Race Your Bike From Coast to Coast?

8 days and 23 hours.

That’s how long it took Race Across America winner Jure Robic.  He started in Oceanside, CA and finished in Annapolis, Maryland yesterday.



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  1. And he got how many hours of sleep?

  2. MB

    Apparently he did it in 2004 on something approaching 8 hours of sleep. I want to call bullshit on that, but dude – he *actually* crossed the country in 8 days. That’s hardly enough time to do it in a freaking car.

    Apparently his avg speed this year was just under 14mph. That will mean nothing to most people reading that, but for those of us who’ve regularly tried 100+ mile days? Wow.

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