Hidden surcharges and fees are one of those things that I let get to me out of proportion to their actual import.  I think it’s the generally dishonest nature of them.  If you advertise a service at a price, you should deliver that service for that price.  If you can’t, advertise at a price for which you *can* deliver that service.  Not complicated.

Anyway, I was galled by one yesterday when I walked up to a counter in an airport and bought a ticket.  The ticket was $XXX, along with a “$25 administrative service charge.”  Wait.  I just walked up to your desk in your airport, and you want me to pay another $25 for the privilege of buying a ticket from you?  WTF?

Anyway, in the spirit of these things, here’s a very handy chart outlining the current US domestic airline fees.

(Link courtesy of the comments section of the always interesting Travelvice)