Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

DC, what’s wrong with you? There’s a bikeporn contest going on!

Actually, now that I write that title, I realize that I can address *all* of you, as the contest was not technically limited to DC.   Freewheeling Spirit, proprietor of his eponymous blog and the most excellent Bikes for the Rest of Us site, had to go and cancel his bikeporn contest for lack of participation.

As someone who spends a fair amount of time and money enjoying bikeporn, I find this greatly disappointing.  So c’mon, make an entry anyway and guilt him into opening the contest back up.  This’ll be the entry I send in:

(I had to put it on the other side of the jump, as it may inspire strong reaction if it’s viewed without warning.)

Told you.


The More Things Change: The Ronnie and Nancy Show


Terrorists Don’t Shop at Costco

1 Comment

  1. LOL – love this.

    BTW, $2.64? That must have been taken way back in ’06.

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