Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 16 of 29

Open Letter to a Landlord

Living Colour’s Open Letter (to a Landlord):


Now you can tear a building down
But you can’t erase a memory

These houses may look all run down
But they have a value you can’t see . . .

Simpson Street, Gone

Saturday Music: And I Was Blue

Trying to regain my sense of place today. Heard the track below during the trip – it’s Joanna Newsom’s Peach, Plum, Pear (2006). You’ll either cringe or love it.


Weekend Music: Waikiki Edition


Last time I was here, this was a brand new hit, played in bars up and down the beach.

Please forgive the sporadic posting of late.  This space deserves better than its gotten from me lately, and I’m planning to right that.  Soon.

Midweek Makeover: Such Promise

Okay, so I’ve completely dropped the ball here.  It’s not you, it’s me.  Really.  I’ll be back, for sure.  Tonight, we take a look at a cover for which I make no apologies.

Britney (the clip you’re getting is from a Miami “live” performance, which is just as well, as Miami is where I was when I came to really appreciate this track):


The Cellibabies hit a great cover, here.  Now, I need to note a couple of things.  First, you need to FF to 2:38 to even hear it.  Second, you need to understand my deep appreciation for all things cello.  Finally, this entry is dedicated to all those poor junior high cellists who didn’t understand how hot Jaqueline DuPre was:


It can be improved upon, for sure.  So let’s get to it.

Midweek Makeover: A Love Delayed . . .

is not a love denied. No explanation required.

Midweek Makeover: Just Like

The Cure’s US breakout hit Just Like Heaven belongs to me, and me alone – just like a few million other people.   I am entirely uninterested in covers of it, from the painfully misconceived to the anesthetized pablum.  Because there is simply no way you could ever improve on this:

And yet, I find myself hitting repeat on this, a mashup which lays the Cure’s vocals over the Commodore’s Easy:

Strange what works, sometimes. (I suspect it just won’t, for many of you. Good thing you still have your copy of Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, eh?)

10:15/Saturday Night


Weekend Music: Covetous Things

Some things are eternal.




Midweek Makeover: This Is Not Irony

I’m a bit of a sucker for a particularly formulaic approach to covers – take a loud and expansive original and strip it down, usually by lounging it up.  And that’s what tonight’s covering artist has done with Public Image Ltd’s This Is Not a Love Song:


And here’s Nouvelle Vague, turning out something quite enjoyable:


Thanks to P. for this edition.

10:15/Saturday Night: Stolen

Ooh, this could  be messy:


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