Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 17 of 29

Weekend Music: Looking Back in Anticipation

I watched the J. Geils Band do a sound check for Centerfold in Waikiki, 1982.  I was a kid, transfixed:


Men at Work – Who Can It Be Now?


Real Life – Send Me An Angel (as seen in RAD)


(That last one may have been a repeat.  And that is entirely okay.)

Friday Notes: Please No More Snow Edition

Surprise, surprise, people are still dumping money into Obama’s coffers.  It appears that the inaugural committee raised about $8 million more than it had budgeted.  Aim your dollars at more important things, folks.


Iceland on the fast track to the EU?  Probably a good idea overall, but its a pretty sad circumstance that brought us to that:

The conservative government in Reykjavik, in power for 18 years, collapsed this week, the first government to fall as a result of the financial meltdown which has wrecked the Icelandic currency, the krona, wiped out savings and pensions, required a massive IMF bailout, sparked unprecedented riots in Reykjavik, and forced the formation of a caretaker centre-left government until new elections can be held, probably on 9 May.


Gov. Rod Blagojevich is gone, but let’s not forget that he wasn’t the only one behaving badly.  As I’ve written, the Senate refusal to seat Roland Burris was a bad idea – you don’t get to refuse someone just because you don’t like them.  And that bad judgment seems to have extended to the House, where Adam Bonin found – buried in the stimulus bill – the following:


None of the funds provided by this Act may be made available to the State of Illinois, or any agency of the State, unless (1) the use of such funds by the State is approved in legislation enacted by the State after the date of the enactment of this Act, or (2) Rod R. Blagojevich no longer holds the office of Governor of the State of Illinois.

Yes, that says what you think it says.  Adam explains:

Got that, Illinois Senate?  If you want the money, remove Blagojevich from power or otherwise pass a bill making clear that you trust him with the money.  This provision was inserted by Reps. Bill Foster (D-IL) and Mark Kirk (R-IL), and could cost the state $50 billion in federal aid.

Beyond the general yuck factor, does anyone else remember the Bill of Attainder clause in the Constitution?  It basically says that Congress can’t pass a law punishing an individual without judicial trial; that’s the courts’ job.  Similar concerns rest here: it’s not for Congress to decide who’s fit to be Governor of Illinois; that’s something to be handled in Springfield.

A circus, it seems, and everyone wants in on the action.


Rep. Peter King of the GOP – party of limited government, remember – wants to save you from camera phones.



[A] CNN investigation has uncovered evidence that for hundreds of Rohingya refugees — members of a Muslim minority group — abuse and abandonment at sea were what awaited them in Thailand, at the hands of Thai authorities.

Extraordinary photos obtained by CNN from someone directly involved in the Thai operation show refugees on their rickety boats being towed out to sea, cut loose and abandoned.

One photo shows the Thai army towing a boatload of some 190 refugees far out to sea.

And who will speak for these refugees?  No one, I’m guessing.


Once a Nazi, always a Nazi.


13 year old girls can rock:


Midweek Makeover: Peer Pressure

When we’re talking about noteworthy covers, there’s usually some some distance in time between them (unless we’re talking about Motown, and then we’re just talking about Berry Gordy’s need to make money).   When an artist is rummaging around for something to do, he or she usually looks for an older hit or the obscure.  But sometimes they find what they’re looking for right in front of them.  Tonight’s cover involves a cover recorded not even a year after the massive hit that was the original.   And there’s not even the slightest hint, in my view, that the cover was a lazy ripoff.  In fact, it’s transformative.  Both end up being classics of their time, I think.

Original artist, in 1991:


Cover, in 1992:


10:15/Saturday Night: If You Pick Up On It Quick

you can say you were there.


Weekend Music: Turn It On, Turn It Up

An 18 year old LL starts it off:


Everclear takes us back:


Wall of Voodoo looks south:


And The Old Ceremony, a band you should check out, talks about that Radio Religion:

I was lost
But then I found some
Music to my ears
Just, when I had given up
On understanding why
Everything was wrong
I heard it in a song
And I got some
Radio Religion

Midweek Makeover: Talent Isn’t Enough

Today’s subject examines the case of cover where the covering artist is superior – in every way – to the original artist.  And yet somehow, against all objectively measured odds, it just doesn’t work.

The original track comes from George Michael’s Faith (which, on a personal note, was the soundtrack to my 1987):


And then we have Joan Baez – yes, Joan Baez, with all of her empathy and history and vocal talents – making a hash of it on German television.


I don’t really know why she failed, here.  It’s a theme she can put herself into, with the force of her entire career.  George Michael, as much as I enjoy him, can’t hold a candle to her talents.  And yet we’re left wishing that she hadn’t bothered.  Mystifying.

10:15/Saturday Night

The incredibly underrated Dan Reeder’s Shackles and Chains:


The somewhat overrated (but still incredible) Eric Clapton’s Promises:


Weekend Music: 99 Problems But a Bush Ain’t One

DJ Dangermouse blends Jay-Z and the Beatles:


And I know my rights so you gon’ need a warrant for that
“Aren’t you sharp as a tack, you some type of lawyer or something’?”
“Or somebody important or somethin’?”
Nah, I ain’t pass the bar but i know a little bit
Enough that you won’t illegally search my shit

Guru, with Angie Stone, lays down one of the best fuck-off tracks in the world:


I’ve never been a,
stranger to struggle gotta maintain my hustle
Used to let the anger bubble
These streets can bring mad danger and trouble
And I can do bad all by myself
Do me a favor – don’t be concerned about my wealth
If you’re one of my peeps, you’re gonna know that
But if I ain’t feelin you player, huh
My face is gonna show that
So keep your eyes off my pockets

And a classic:


A Suggested Pairing

This story:

Financial manager Marcus Schrenker, who officials say tried to fake his own death by parachuting out of a plane while over Alabama, was found late Tuesday at a campsite near Quincy, Florida.

And this song:


For D.B. Cooper and the money he took . . .

10:15/Saturday Night: Windy Hill Road Edition


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