Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 18 of 29

Weekend Music: 1783 Edition

Dustin O’Halloran – Opus 23


Radio Dept – I Don’t Like It Like This


Aphex Twin – Avril 14th


Midweek Makeover: Not Really Here Edition

RJD2 – Smoke & Mirrors


Marion Black – Who Knows


Late Night Track

The video is horrible, but I quite dig the music:


Wonderful Folks

A friend passed this along yesterday, and every time I watch it, I like it more.  It’s Amanda Palmer‘s Runs in the Family, and what you’re seeing is a terribly well done fanvid for it.

I think it pairs well with a video clip that Amanda Palmer herself posted on her site a few days ago.  It’s of Bill Hicks (personally dear to me for his “looks like we’ve got ourselves a reader!” line) talking about what he wants to hear, in front of an audience that doesn’t really seem to get it:



Weekend Music: Screw the Borders Edition

Three tracks from the band I’ll be seeing shortly – Gogol Bordello. The first is a live performance of Wanderlust King:

Undestructable is a fantastic anthem

And we finish with Mishto!, perhaps my favorite. Impossible to listen without moving:

Friday Music: Some Things Are Universal Edition


Maybe this is a repeat.  Don’t care.  It’s just that good.

Winding Down/Up

DJ Earworm’s Gimme Freaks, from Rolling Stones’ Gimme Shelter and Moguai & Tocadisco’s – Freaks (Moguai Mix).  Click it.

Midweek Makeover: No Song Is An Island

Herbie Hancock’s Cantaloupe Island is familiar to you, even if you don’t recognize the name.   Written in 1964, it’s turned into something of a jazz standard.  I imagine that on any given night, there are a few dozen people taking a crack at on stage somewhere.   It got a big boost in 1993, when Us3 reworked it into a pop hit.  While I keep going back to the original (which really requires a martini in hand and a light summer breeze for full appreciation), I’ve recently found myself enjoying it in the form of a(nother) Tanghetto cover. Give them all a listen, below:

DJ Earworm’s United State of Pop

The year in pop.  Brill.

Want a copy?  DJ Earworm will give you one.

Weekend Music: Gimme a Beat Edition

There used to be a carnival that would come to town every year.  It was the usual ripoff and con game, but it was fun fun fun.  This despite the fact that all of the rides played pretty much the same three songs.  Any one them takes me right back, spinning fast.




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