Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 20 of 29

10:15/Saturday Night: Hello Tomorrow


Tomorrow, for sure.

Weekend Music: No Estoy Aquí Edition

Gotan Project – Diferente


Estoy Aqui


10:15/Saturday Night: Here’s Hoping


Weekend Music: Greatest Love of All Edition

The opening track comes from the first cassette I ever purchased myself:


That was downright demure in comparison to the next:


The last was a little schlocky, but c’mon, it was a good bit of fun.  The last one skips the obvious for some.  Not for others.  Whether it’s NSFW depends on that distinction, I suppose:


(Last track was Romantic Death, by The Sun)

Midweek Makeover: Always On My Mind

The original was compelling enough:


But you’d never have imagined that there would not only be one, but *two*, that would surpass it:




Updated to replace the Willie Nelson video, which Sony BMG – in keeping with its music fan hating principles – has disabled for embedding.  It’s a shame so many of my old favorites are kept under lock and key by corps like Sony BMG.  Absolutely idiotic.

Dept. of Things You’d Rather Not Know


10:15/Saturday Night: When It All Goes South

The first artist is someone that didn’t really appeal to me on the first listen.  Or even the third.  He has, though, turned out to be one of those artists that lives in the back of your consciousness, biding his time until you come around to appreciate him.  (And come around, I did.)

Warren Zevon – My Shit’s Fucked Up:


Well, I went to the doctor
I said, “I’m feeling kind of rough”
“Let me break it to you, son
Your shit’s fucked up.”
I said, “my shit’s fucked up?”
Well, I don’t see how–”
He said, “The shit that used to work–
It won’t work now.”

The next artist brought a somewhat inverse experience – the aesthetic appealed right away.  The deeper meaning, though, I think it changed over the years.

NIN – Down In It


I was up above it.
Now Im down in it

I used to be so big and strong.
I used to know my right from wrong.
I used to never be afraid.
I used to be somebody

I used to have something inside
Now just this hole thats open wide.
I used to want it all
I used to be somebody

And this next?  Timeless.


Once upon a time you dressed so fine
You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?
People’d call, say, “Beware doll, you’re bound to fall”
You thought they were all kiddin’ you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hangin’ out
Now you don’t talk so loud
Now you don’t seem so proud
About having to be scrounging for your next meal.

How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?

Weekend Music: About Last Night Edition

Esther Williams – Last Night Changed It All


Mary Jane Girls – All Night Long


Indeep – Last Night a DJ Saved My Life


Midweek Makeover: Way Down Edition

When you walk through the garden
you gotta watch your back
well I beg your pardon
walk the straight and narrow track
if you walk with Jesus
he’s gonna save your soul
you gotta keep the devil
way down in the hole

As these pages have noted before, I was a huge fan of the television series The Wire while it was on.  Its music was among the many wonderful things about the show.  For Midweek Makeover, we’re going to start with The Wire’s theme song – Way Down in the Hole.  The original is by Tom Waits.  This is him performing it live and, well, being Tom Waits:


But it’s not Waits’ version that kicked the series off.  The cover by the Blind Boys of Alabama is what originally opened the show:


For the second season, though, they brought Waits in.  This is how that translated into the show:


Worked very well, I think.  The artist changed each season, and future versions went to the Neville Brothers and Steve Earle (who also ended up acting on the show, and doing a damn good job of it).  I thought that the end of the series would also bring an end to covers of Way Down in the Hole.  And then just the other day, I stumbled on this:


That’s M.I.A. and Baltimore’s Blaqstarr.  I think it does perfect justice to the spirit of Waits’ original work.

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