Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 22 of 29

Weekend Music: Lacking a Theme Edition

Much like Friday Notes, it’s a mess.  Most Weekend Music comes from a theme that’s built over the week, but this is just what’s been in rotation lately.

First, we have my favorite track from the last couple of weeks – Aesop Rock’s None Shall Pass.  Incredible flow with some thought behind it:


You might have heard about the Obama radio spot cut by an old bluegrass talent, week before last.  His name is Ralph Stanley, and this is him many years ago:


And a classic that’s been appealing, lately:


Bonus earworm – Lil Mama’s Lip Gloss:


Midweek Makeover: An Alternate Perspective

Some songs are great, but get so driven into the ground by repeated play that you one day you realize that you just can’t listen to it anymore.   But then – after a bit of time – you hear something on the radio that’s starting with the same chords, but isn’t quite right with the rhythm, and  . . .  you discover that someone’s rehabbed the played-out original with an excellent cover.  This happened with I Turn My Camera On (it was Apple that ruined it, right?  Just like 1,2,3,4 and Feed Good, Inc.?).

Here’s Spoon’s original


And Rock Kills Kid’s cover


Hank, Your Daddy Would

be ashamed of you.


Mike suggests a much more on-point song by Hank:


10:15/Saturday Night: What’s a Girl To Do?

Amy Winehouse/Tears Dry On Their Own


Bat for Lashes/What’s a Girl to Do?


Miranda Lambert/Gunpowder & Lead (ignore the video, dig the music)


Weekend Music: Portland Waterfront Edition

It’s a mix, tonight:

Klaxons/Golden Skans


Bob Dylan/Tangled Up In Blue


Jens Lekman/Postcard to Nina (really, give this one a listen)


10:15/Saturday Night: Augusta

That was a long way.


Smack, crack, bushwhacked.
Tie another one to the racks, baby.

Hey kids, rock and roll.
Nobody tells you where to go, baby.

What if I ride? what if you walk?
What if you rock around the clock?
Tick-tock. tick-tock.

Weekend Music: Road Trip Edition

There’s a roadtrip in my (very near) future, and of course this requires roadtrip music.  Something with motion, maybe a little poppy, and yes – something you know (most of) the words to.  I have hundreds in my all-purpose roadtrip playlist – this is what a random sample (of YouTube available songs) turns up:

Guns ‘n Roses/Locomotive


The Cure/In-Between Days


Divinyls/I Touch Myself


Midweek Makeover: Dear Prudence

This is one of those songs where fans of one might be vaguely aware of the other version, and as soon as anyone who hasn’t heard the other hears it, it’ll be dismissed out of hand.  A shame, as the two sides might actually get something out of giving the other a chance.

The original Dear Prudence:


The 1983 cover by Siouxsie and the Banshees:


(This song (along with many other Siouxsie songs), takes me back to the end of a very very long festival day.  I was so worn out by the time this set came on that I took most of it in while lying down . . .)

10:15/Saturday Night: Hey, Little Girl

Oh, the iterations this entry went through.  From a band I just discovered a few hours ago to . . . well . . Bruce.  And what I’m going to leave you with isn’t even embeddable.  Tonight’s track is the warble-to-make-you-feel-old I’m On Fire.

Weekend Music: Cowboy Up Edition

In honor of tonight’s “debates”:

Boys Don’t Cry, I Wanna Be A Cowboy


Jamie O’Neal, There Is No Arizona


Paula Cole, Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?


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