Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 8 of 29



Weekend Music: Cloudbusting Edition

Kate Bush’s Cloudbusting + Madonna’s Get Into the Groove =


Kings of the Court

I literally cannot recall the last time I cared about pro basketball (in fact, just half an hour ago did I learn that the Seattle Supersonics no longer exist), but this is an awesome – and appropriately titled – set of pictures.  And also immediately brought to mind a song from when I most definitely *did* care about what was going on in the NBA:


Midweek Makeover: Early Start Edition

Lady Gaga.  Paparazzi.  Everyone knows it, even if they don’t know it.  And of those who do know that they know it, about 99% are probably sick of it.  So I won’t even bother posting it here.  And yet I promise you will listen to this cover the whole way through:


Performed by Greyson97 at his sixth grade festival.

“Step Back, Doors Closing . . . “

From DC’s Mad Sole, Metro Status:


Weekend Music: May Day Edition

Woody’s still exactly right:


Love me some Billy Bragg:


And Billy Bragg will be voting Lib Dem.   What has become of you, Labour?

Friday Music: Mash’n’Move Edition

I will probably regret ever admitting this, but these have forced their way into my running playlists, and refuse to leave:



M.I.A.: Born Free

M.I.A. first hit the scene in 5 years ago, to much acclaim (most of it completely misdirected, but still, it was exposure).  I jumped that train then, and have enjoyed the ride ever since. This new video – Born Free – brings a departure from her musical style, but heads straight down the political path her music has been on. It’s NSFW, and the conceit of it may be a little disappointing at first, but I’d suggest sticking with it.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Friday Afternoon Music: Just Right

The Be Good Tanyas:


. . . and Saturday Morning Music

Sunrise music, actually.  Urban Dance Squad’s Deeper Shade of Soul:


Did you know they were Dutch?  Not me.  Now on to Big Audio Dynamite (II)’s Rush:


I think I wore out at least two cassettes of the RHCP Mother’s Milk album:


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