Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Tag: kids ride

Clarendon Cup Kids Ride Photos Up

As promised, I’ve posted a raw (unedited) stream of lo-res shots of the kids ride that took place during Sunday’s Clarendon Cup races.  I posting these because I get a lot of search traffic looking for pictures of this ride.   They are being posted under a Creative Commons attribution/non-commercial license, so you’re quite welcome do as you please with them, within those limits.  If your kid is in a shot, and you want a better copy, drop me a note (and include the *exact* file name (e.g., IMG_3765.jpg)).  I’m not in the business of making prints, but if you *really* wanted one, I’m sure we could work something out.

2009 Clarendon Cup Kids Ride and Crystal Ride Photos

In the course of shooting the Clarendon Cup and the Air Force Cycling Classic, I also ended up with a fair number of shots from the Clarendon Cup Kids Ride and Crystal Ride. As with last year, I’m aiming at getting these photos up in a raw stream sometime in the next day or two.

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