Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Tag: UK

British Gov’t Stupidity and Fearmongering

Cory Doctorow points us to this new poster campaign by the London’s Metropolitan Police Service:


The text from that poster reads: “A bomb won’t go off here because weeks before a shopper reported someone studying the CCTV cameras.”  And there are others, including one that has a picture of a trashcan outside of a home, and reads: “These chemicals won’t be used in a bomb because a neighbor reported the dumped containers.”  Yes, folks, unless you report people that look up in public spaces and snoop in your neighbors garbage, the TERRORISTS WILL WIN.   Cory goes to town:

It’s hard to imagine a worse, more socially corrosive campaign. Telling people to rummage in one another’s trash and report on anything they don’t understand is a recipe for flooding the police with bad reports from ignorant people who end up bringing down anti-terror cops on their neighbors who keep tropical fish, paint in oils, are amateur chemists, or who just do something outside of the narrow experience of the least adventurous person on their street. Essentially, this redefines “suspicious” as anything outside of the direct experience of the most frightened, ignorant and foolish people in any neighborhood.

And I don’t think that’s exaggerating the baseline that this campaign is working to create.   Which brings us to the heart of it:

The British authorities are bent on driving fear into the hearts of Britons: fear of terrorists, immigrants, pedophiles, children, knives… And once people are afraid enough, they’ll write government a blank check to expand its authority without sense or limit.

This is one of the central reasons I think Labour deserves to lose the government.  But that is for another time.  Finally, Cory identifies one of the (many) things that makes this so disappointing:

What an embarrassment from the country whose level-headed response to the Blitz was “Keep Calm and Carry On” — how has that sensible motto been replaced with “When in trouble or in doubt/Run in circles scream and shout”?

Not only has the sun set, but we’re moving well into the night.

Another Pint, Gordon?

I have so little good to say about the UK’s Labour Party these days that I might as well get in a compliment where I can.  Prime Minister Gordon Brown has, against all reasonable expectations, struck a blow for common sense and decency:

Gordon Brown today rejected controversial proposals from the chief medical officer to establish a minimum price for alcohol, which would double the price of many beers and spirits.

The prime minister said that he would protect the interests of the “sensible majority of moderate drinkers” when responding to proposals from Sir Liam Donaldson for a minimum charge of 50p per unit of alcohol to be imposed on beer and wine.

And Scotland, well, how do you like that devolution now?

The Scottish government is planning to introduce minimum prices for alcohol and these could come into force by the end of the year. It would make Scotland the first country in Europe to introduce minimum pricing, which would be accompanied by a ban on certain drinks promotions.


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