Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

McCain: Put Me Down as a Yes for Torture, Please

Well, McCain’s certainly making it easier for people like me to disabuse anyone of the notion that the man has any principles (nevermind admirable principles). McCain, who has publicly and repeatedly claimed to oppose waterboarding as torture – yesterday voted against the bill banning waterboarding. Musn’t be on the wrong side of George Bush, it seems, even when that makes you pro-torture. Straight-talkin’ maverick, indeed. This man will continue to debase himself on any issue, in the (almost certainly fruitless) pursuit of the White House.

Update: TPM has a further look at the various contortions used to try and explain this vote.


Overnight Music: Jawohl, Frankfurt!


Valentines by Post


  1. Toby

    What’s wrong with torture?

  2. J. Tyler Ballance

    Our fellow Republicans, henceforth known as, “the sheeple” allowed the voices of FOX and CNN to instruct them how to vote. FOX and CNN told the sheeple that McCain was going to win, so the sheeple went out and voted for the media’s darling.

    We could have gotten behind Ron Paul, or even one of the other guys and gotten out of the so called “war on terror”, but with John McCain, we can expect much of the status quo to be maintained. He has pledged to remain in Iraq for 100 years (lucky us!).

    You can forget McCain signing any pledges to mollify the Right. He despises Christian Conservatives and Southerners (especially Confederate Heritage groups).

    Still, McCain will not be as bad as Bush has been, but he will suck, as President. Even so, even at his suckiest, McCain will be better than having either of those two idiots from the Left in the White House.

    The Republican primaries are essentially over. McCain has won (damn him) so we who supported the other Republican candidates now must stop pissing and moaning about what a liberal, Joe Lieberman clone, that McCain is, and unite behind “our” candidate. Let’s make the best of it. We are going to need a huge turn-out to defeat the baby killers on the Left, so start getting in touch with new and independent voters and think of something nice to say about our nominee, John McCain.

  3. If it saves the life of one soldier, black goes to negative, red goes to positive…..

  4. MB

    The Virginia right’s finest, ladies and gents.

  5. J. Tyler Ballance

    I guess torture is OK with Bath Party members like cargosquid, that is, as long as it isn’t applied to him.

    The big picture on this issue is that if we do it, then the other side feels justification for torturing our troops.

    What is worse, our own government has already begun using torture against our own citizens. All that needs to happen is for someone in the government to declare you a terror suspect, and you can kiss your civil rights good-bye.

    Cargo, old pal, just hope you don’t find yourself on the wrong side, for even if you are wrongfully accused, it may be your balls getting hooked up to the red and black terminals.

  6. That’s just it. Not only do I expect to get tortured if caught by the other side, we’ve seen that they will do it. The other side has NO CONCEPT of civilized behavior. Torture is not used as a commonplace procedure. Its not that effective. But, it has its place. And you have to define torture. Waterboarding happens at every SERE school. Is sleep deprivation torture? I would think so. I reject your insult of calling me a “Bath Party” member. Would you want me to be “civilized” if I could prevent your loved ones from being killed? That is the context. Yes, torturous procedures can be abused. It should be a rarity and last resort.

  7. MB

    Shorter Cargosquid: I’m just like the people I want to torture!

  8. Fight fire with fire. I’m just sorry that you are so “civilized” that you don’t mind innocents dying because you don’t support this. And you don’t mind linking me with terrorists when my motive is to defend you and yours. Have a nice day.

  9. clarke

    Cargosuid has it down. And before Tyler starts heckling others, I think he should learn how to write effectively. The word “suckiest” really shows he’s wide range of vocabulary. Why don’t you spend five years with the Viet Cong?

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