Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: April 2008 Page 4 of 7

NLS “Sponsorships”? This will be fun to watch . . .

Ben Tribbet, author of the Not Larry Sabato blog*, has announced that:

[F]ormer Governor Mark Warner[‘s] Senate campaign is sponsoring NLS and RK for 2008. A link to his website is in the upper right hand corner of the site- and we will be bringing you special content from the Warner campaign throughout the year!

[ . . . ]

Sponsorships are available only to candidates I am strongly supporting, and it means a strategic partnership between this blog and their campaign.

Is this really something candidates want to do? When I hear “strategic partnership”, it brings message coordination and blessing to mind. Now, that may be exactly what the blog wants, but I can imagine a campaign really regretting that the first time a blog says something stupid or otherwise reaches further than the campaign might, itself.

I’m near certain that there will come a time where the campaign will want to distance itself from something said at RK or NLS. And it’s going to be a whole lot harder when it’s “strategic partnership” describing the relationship, and not “political advertising on a blog.”


*And originator of the clever-the-first-time-but-now-thoroughly-played-out-Not-Some-Name-meme

Interview with Candidate Mark Ellmore (8th CD) – Part I

This is the first of a two part interview with Mark Ellmore, candidate in the GOP primary, where he’s facing Amit Singh (also interviewed at Blacknell.net). The winner of the June 10th primary will face long time incumbent Rep. Jim Moran (D) this fall.

I’d arranged to meet Mark Ellmore at Sette Bello in Clarendon. Arriving a few minutes before him, I’d just grabbed a drink and claimed one of the quieter spaces for us. Ellmore walked in, and I waved him over. We briefly introduced ourselves, and he excused himself to get some water from the bar. On his way over, he spotted a few women that he’d recently met at a local Republican committee meeting, and he immediately launched into campaign mode. I’ve only met Ellmore moments before, but he struck me as the sort of guy who’s always “on.” He engaged in a bit of discussion on how to engage Arlington’s voters with one of the women, and made a soft pitch for a contribution from another (expertly rebuffed, on her part). He’s quick on his feet, and in the first few minutes, I knew I was talking to someone who had done this before.

The interview started with a bit of jujitsu on his part, with him conducting a bit of an interview of me, trying to get a handle on who it was that was interviewing him. Fair enough, I said, and submitted to it for a couple of minutes, talking about my political history and present views. And then we got down to business, with him jumping off my own viewpoint as a gun owner who supports a number of gun control measures.

In Honor of Pope Benedict XVI’s Visit to DC


Torquemada – do not beg him for mercy.
Torquemada – do not ask him for forgiveness.
Let’s face it – you can’t Torquemada anything!

Update: You know, I got Ratzinger’s code name wrong in the original post, which makes me feel kind of dumb.  But then I realized that all my readers must be indifferent heathens, because no one pointed it out.  So that makes me feel better.


Wreck of the Gamma.  Just off George Town, Grand Cayman.  Highly recommended.  Higher res available here.

Expect more of this. Lots more.

Rep. Geoff Davis, Republican from Kentucky – and all of 49 years old, himself – does his part for the Republican attack effort on Sen. Obama:

“I’m going to tell you something: That boy’s finger does not need to be on the button,” Davis declared.

He apologized later.  Of course he did.  But watch this happen over and over and over again.  That’s the GOP approach now, the GOP approach tomorrow, and the GOP approach forever.

Do Travel Writers Go to Hell?

Well, no, because it doesn’t exist. But if there were a hell, this one might go:

A Lonely Planet author says he plagiarized or made up portions of the popular travel guidebooks and dealt drugs to supplement poor pay, an Australian newspaper reported Sunday.

Thomas Kohnstamm, who has written a book on his misadventures, also said he didn’t travel to Colombia to write the guidebook on the country because “they didn’t pay me enough,” The Daily Telegraph reported.

“I wrote the book in San Francisco [California],” he is quoted as saying in the Telegraph. “I got the information from a chick I was dating — an intern in the Colombian Consulate.”

[ . . . ]

Kohnstamm has worked on more than a dozen books for Lonely Planet, including its titles on Brazil, Colombia, the Caribbean, Venezuela, Chile and South America.

[ . . . ]

Kohnstamm’s book, “Do Travel Writers Go to Hell?: A Swashbuckling Tale of High Adventures, Questionable Ethics and Professional Hedonism,” is set for release next week.

I’m a big fan of the LP series, but I’m not surprised by this – too many people putting together too much info for this not to happen. That said, they’ve never failed me in any substantial way – the closest was a completely wrong ferry schedule in Panama. And I should have checked with the ticket office, anyway.

Thanks to DT for sending this in.

(Huh. Interesting, the things you find when you search for your own entries. Here’s a story on the very same thing, using my LP bookshelf photo. And here’s someone who has decided to just cut and paste my entry on India into his or her blog.)

“And I approved.”

Bush admits to joining his senior advisers in approving torture:

President Bush says he knew his top national security advisers discussed and approved specific details about how high-value al Qaeda suspects would be interrogated by the Central Intelligence Agency, according to an exclusive interview with ABC News Friday.

“Well, we started to connect the dots in order to protect the American people.” Bush told ABC News White House correspondent Martha Raddatz. “And yes, I’m aware our national security team met on this issue. And I approved.” (emphasis supplied)

And yet it’s not a news story worth covering, if you look at CNN, the New York Times, or the Washington Post.  Even ABC, the organization that originally reported it, buried the story.  Funny, that.  Again, we need a jury.

It looked just like that

So much for the U.S. Open of Cycling . . .

VeloNews is reporting that the U.S. Open of Cycling (nee U.S. Open Cycling Championships) has been canceled for this year, with the promoter citing difficulties in lining up sponsors. That’s quite a fall, going from the first U.S. cycling event garnering live network coverage in years to being unable to scratch together enough sponsorship to follow up the very next year.

Arlington Book Sale – Saturday & Sunday

If you’re in the area, you might want to drop by Arlington’s Central Library (Quincy Park).  The annual book sale is on this weekend, 10a to 6p Saturday, and 12p to 6p Sunday (half price day).  Arlington’s full of smart people with overflowing bookshelves, so I imagine you’ll find lots of good stuff there.*  Go check it out.

*I have to imagine, and not confirm, because I can’t permit myself to get anywhere near such an event.

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