Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

The Myth of the Scofflaw Cyclist

WashCycle has a fantastic post up about the “Myth of the Scofflaw Cyclist”:

In fact after Alice Swanson’s death, many comments on the post, DCist and elsewhere mentioned that something like this was bound to happen because of the illegal manner in which most cyclists ride. Despite the fact that there seems to be no indication that she did anything illegal.

Which leads to what I call “The Myth of the Scofflaw Cyclist”.

Now then, I’m not trying to claim that cyclists don’t break the law. Let me state clearly and upfront, they do. What I’m saying is that there is nothing unique about the frequency with which cyclists as a class break the law when compared with drivers or pedestrians. And even if cyclists broke the law more flagrantly, that would not negate the need to share the road.

And then he goes on to knock down pretty much every piece of the scofflaw myth, fact by fact.  Very well done.


Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog – Act I


Contraception = Abortion?


  1. Jimbo

    Your link is missing the “h” in “http”…

  2. MB

    Thanks. I feel like there’s a joke somewhere in there, perhaps involving Adderall, but I can’t quite nail it down . . .

  3. Jimbo

    Too many quadruple iced espressos perhaps?

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