I’m sure others will be going to town on this, but here’s a few gems (as ID’d by the Washington Post) from the DOJ IG’s report on the politicized hiring practices at DOJ:

Goodling regularly asked candidates for career jobs, “What is it about George W. Bush that makes you want to serve him?”

And while that might be amusing, this most definitely isn’t:

In my view, the most damaging conclusion is this one from p. 136:

Goodling’s use of political considerations in connection with these details was particularly damaging to the Department because it resulted in high-quality candidates for important details being rejected in favor of less-qualified candidates. For example, an experienced career terrorism prosecutor was rejected by Goodling for a detail to EOUSA to work on counterterrorism issues because of his wife’s political affiliations. Instead, EOUSA had to select a much more junior attorney who lacked any experience in counterterrorism issues and who EOUSA officials believed was not qualified for the position.

There’s the money quote, folks. Bush official endangers national security for political purposes.

Remember, McCain and all his pathetic supporters are telling us that we’re supposed to trust the Republican Party to keep us safe.  And they will!  You know, unless the wife of the guy that is better at keeping us safe once said something some incompetent young staffer at DOJ didn’t like.