Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: September 2008 Page 5 of 11

Arlington Sun-Gazette: Now Trafficking In Fear, Hate & Propaganda

The Arlington Sun-Gazette arrived in the mail today, and while it has often disappointed me in the past, it really outdid itself today.  Arlington Sun GazetteSee, inserted in the middle of the paper was a full color poster and DVD containing “Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West”.  This is a hateful bit of propaganda that is popular with the David Horowitz crowd, and its distribution was underwritten by the Clarion Fund (more about this fraud of an operation here).  and does its best to drum up the fear, as described by someone who received a copy with his New York Times:

Arriving at the doorstep together, the package was alarming. The film is made to appear as a news-style documentary and includes splashy sell-lines that shout “As seen on CNN and FOX News by more than 20 million viewers worldwide.” Indeed, the incendiary packaging is a reflection of the contents of the film. The “O” in “Obsession” is formed with the Islamic crescent moon and a star, and the closing “N” is tricked up with a silhouette of an automatic rifle. Soft focus-images of Middle Easterners, the World Trade Center, a firefighter on a ladder and the American flag all bathed in golden light.

The movie’s primary aim appears to be to get every viewer to think that Islam’s primary purpose is to ensure that there’s a Muslim dedicated to killing them and their children hiding around every corner.  It’s an absolutely execrable effort at hate and fear mongering, and I’m not going to expend any effort in describing in further.  You are welcome to check it out for yourself, however, at the movie’s website.

I called the Sun-Gazette’s offices to make sure that they’d sent it, but there was no answer.  I left a message and will report back on any response.  In the interim, I urge all of my Northern Virginia readers to call the Sun-Gazette at (703) 738-2520 and tell them that hate has no place here, no matter how much money it makes them.  Ask for Scott McCaffery, the newspaper’s editor, when you do this.  And don’t take the “oh, it’s just an advertisement, we don’t have any control over what we carry” excuse.  It’s bullshit.  I can think of a half dozen inserts they’d turn down without a thought.  They certainly *do* have control over trafficking in hate.

As I was writing this, I discovered that this tripe was distributed with many newspapers (to 28 million homes, it seems).  You know who the only paper was to refuse, thus far?  The Greensboro News & Record.  Putting the rest of them to shame.  No excuses for any of them.  At all.

George Allen: Republican Minority Outreach Star

Yep, the Republican Party is putting George “I Still Eat Ham Sandwiches” Allen up on stage as part of a rally in Fairfax aimed at drawing minorities to the Republican Party. Do you think he’s going to bring the noose he used to keep in his office with him? Is he going to welcome all the brown Virginians he sees to the Real America?


Update: I’d completely forgotten about the video about George Allen and his love for black people. Give it a watch:


I know, this was mighty white of me, wasn’t it?

This Weekend: Free Guided Washington Walks (and Rides!)

This is the weekend of DC’s twice yearly “WalkingTown” program: “Join Cultural Tourism DC for more than 80 free walking tours (and a few bike tours) in 18 neighborhoods across Washington, DC.” I’ve done these before, and they’ve been well worth my time.  They typically concentrate on a neighborhood’s history, or follow a theme (Civil War cemeteries, public works, new development plans, etc.).  Most are just walkup, but a few require reservations.  If you’ve got a couple free hours this weekend, take a look at the schedule and see if something catches your fancy (for cyclists, I particularly recommend the Anacostia/Riverwalk ride).

Warner & Gilmore: We’ll Screw DC, Too

Listening to the Warner/Gilmore Virginia Senate debate, in which Kojo Nnamdi asked Gilmore whether he would support the recently passed House bill that runs roughshod over DC’s right to self determination on the issue of guns.  Gilmore doesn’t appear to understand what Heller is, but goes on about his support for gun ownership and finishes up by saying that he is also “proud that the Supreme Court of Virginia overturned the DC gun ban.”  And Warner says “On this issue, Jim and I agree.”

The people of DC – just cheap props for cheap political points for cheap politicians.

For the Lulz: Palin Pwned

Governor Palin’s criminal email use exposed by criminals.*

Common sense FTW!

*And by “criminals”, we mean some kid who guessed the password.  Top three possiblities, per the Blacknell.net staff:

1) drillbabydrill
2) shutuptoddmyboyfriendiscalling
3) IcanhazVP?

McCain: Zapatero, Zapatista . . .

let’s call the whole thing off:

In the interview, McCain is asked about Hugo Chavez, the situation in Bolivia and then about Raul Castro. He responds to each of these with expected answers about standing up to America’s enemies, etc. Then the interviewer switches gears and asks about Zapatero, the Spanish Prime Minister. And McCain replies — very loose translation — that he’ll establish close relations with our friends and stand up to those who want to do us harm. The interviewer has a double take and seems to think McCain might be confused. So she asks it again. But McCain sticks to the same evasive answer.

(This is what happens when you’re an old and confused man.)

Update: I don’t really believe that McCain doesn’t know that Spain is in Europe, as posited by some.  He’s old and of poor judgment, but he’s not stupid.  I do, however, believe that he had no idea who the Prime Minister of Spain was, and that’s pretty telling.  To be fair, I guess, Spain’s never come up as a possible bombing target, so why would McCain be interested?  Maybe Spain needs to hire a lobbyist to take a place on the McCain staff to make sure it stays that way . . .).

Update II: Head over to TPM for the rest of the story.  It’s just . . .Christ.  There are people who are going to vote for this man.

Update III: McCain’s advisers try to claim that McCain *did* know who Zapatero was, and that he was intentionally avoiding committing to meeting with Spain’s Prime Minister.  This, of course, is bullshit, unless McCain’s advisers want to acknowledge that McCain thinks that Spain is a Latin American country.  It does give you some insight to the McCain campaign, though, that rejecting our own NATO allies is the *preferrable* option here.   Can we just get to November already?

Update IV: Bienvenido, lectores de Cadenaser.com

Welcome Back, Freewheeling Spirit

Freewheeling Spirit, the semi-personal blog of the author of the most excellent Bikes for the Rest of Us (seriously, see this entry on the Flying Pigeon), has returned.   And he does it in grand style, stepping back to consider DC’s just-finished Summer of Bicycle Love.   I really hope the answer to his ultimate question is no.

(We’re just going to skip over the issue of the picture of the batty looking old girl that turns out to be the queen of someplaceoranother).

Midweek Makeover: Assuming Control Edition

Imagine that you put out a song. You enjoy a bit of success, people dig it. But it doesn’t really catch fire. And then someone else comes along, covers it, and does it so well that people start associating that artist with your song. Owned (so to speak). Here are a couple of examples of that:

Did you know that it was Gloria Jones that first Tainted Love?


And Soft Cell just took it from her:


Now, that’s one that, as much as I think of the covering artist as the original, I can appreciate both versions.  But this next?  The stature of the first is a testament to the talent of the second, in that he was able to so completely possess this song (and defend it from the endless challengers that followed:

The first (a bit of inspired fan video with this)


The second (the incredible)


Anthrax: At Least Leahy Cares

Recall that the Feds tried to wrap up their investigation of the October 2001 anthrax attacks and pin it on a single fellow who had very conveniently just killed himself.  I thought it was bullshit then, and it seems that Sen. Pat Leahy is with me in thinking that it’s bullshit now:

“If he is the one who sent the letter, I do not believe in any way, shape or manner that he is the only person involved in this attack on Congress and the American people. I do not believe that at all,” Leahy said.

He added: “I believe there are others involved, either as accessories before or accessories after the fact. I believe that there are others out there, I believe there are others who could be charged with murder. I just want you to know how I feel about it, as one of the people who was aimed at in the attack.”

[FBI Director Robert ] Mueller did not directly contradict Leahy, saying “I understand that concern.”

I fear that this case will be scrubbed clean by the time anyone who cares is actually in a position to do anything about it.

Conservative Economic Policies = Nationalization

This AIG thing would be funny, if it weren’t actually happening.   After eight years of conservatives getting everything they’ve ever wanted, in terms of business and financial regulation policy, we’ve ended up with massive public bailouts of our largest private financial institutions.  Maybe I misunderstood that whole “ownership society” mantra.  Who knew Bush was talking about socialism?

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