Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: April 2009 Page 3 of 5

Time for a Better Cuba Policy

Sounds like Obama’s going to take some steps in the right direction with respect to the US’s policy on Cuba:

At today’s daily White House briefing, White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs will announce that the administration will lift travel, remittance, mail and business restrictions relating to the Communist nation of Cuba.

The changes will allow unlimited visits to family members on the island as well as unlimited remittances — the cash recent immigrants to the U.S. send to relatives back home. President Bush imposed stricter restrictions on both in 2004.

Well past time for this.

Update: Steve Clemons gets at what almost immediately bothered me about this policy change.  First, opening up travel only to Cuban-Americans is a necessary, but insufficient step, towards a better Cuba.  Second, creating a right (in this case, to travel to Cuba) based on ethnic origin (especially when it is not aimed at correcting a situation related to it)?  A really poor idea.

Happy Endings

Cyclelicious has the story:

Ruth Slovenski is my hero.

She rides a blue 1943 Huffy bicycle with a basket to get around. The cool thing — Ruth is older than the bike: she’s 83 years old.

She got the bicycle as a gift from her parents when she was a teenager in 1943. It’s the only bicycle she’s ever needed or wanted. When she was out for a coffee run last weekend, somebody stole the bike.

A happy ending: When they heard about the theft, several people offered reward money for the bike’s recovery. Somebody who claims he received the bike saw Ruth’s story and turned her bike in to the police.

(and you people thought this was another on today’s theme, didn’t you?)


I’m beginning to think that there’s a mole in the “anti-gay marriage” movement, because . . . really, you just can’t make this up. How long until we get a press release pointing out that “2M4M is snowballing!”?

Who Doesn’t Enjoy a Good Teabagging?

I have rarely seen something this funny on television:

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Is *This* the Veterans Administration’s Solution to Its Own Poor Performance?

You really have to wonder what sort of world someone lives in that makes this make sense:

Last Tuesday night, [David Schultz, a reporter with Public Radio station WAMU] was covering a public event at the V.A. Hospital in Washington, D.C. While interviewing one of the veterans about the poor treatment he was receiving at the hands of the V.A., Ms. [Gloria] Hairston demanded that Schultz stop recording the interview and hand over his recording equipment.

“She said I wouldn’t be allowed to leave,” Schultz tells WTOP.

At first he refused. But after being surrounded by armed police officers who stood between him and the exit, he looked for a compromise.

“I became worried that I was going to get arrested,” Schultz says.

Schultz convinced Hairston that all she really needed to confiscate was the memory card to his recorder, rather than all of his equipment. While this was going on, many of the veterans from the meeting had come out to watch the confrontation.

One of those veterans, an amputee in a wheelchair, approached Schultz and asked him for his phone number.

“I started to give it to him and then the woman {Hairston} became irate, she said you can’t give him your phone number. You have to give me all of your equipment or I’m going to get ugly. She used the phrase ‘get ugly,'” Schultz says,

Like any good reporter, Schultz stood his ground and called his boss for direction. Longtime newsman Jim Asendio is the news director for WAMU.

“I told him to give them the flash card and get out of there,” Asendio says. “I didn’t want this to get out of hand.”

Schultz reluctantly handed over the memory card from his recorder.

This happened Tuesday.  So, by Friday, we’ve got a quick apology for a gross mistake, right?

Unfortunately, WAMU has been unsuccessful in retrieving the memory card which remains in the hands of the federal government.

“Our lawyers are working on that,” Asendio says.

On Thursday afternoon, Asendio hand-delivered a letter from WAMU’s general manager to the V.A Hospital demanding the return of the memory card. When he tried to deliver a copy of the letter to V.A. headquarters, he was turned away.

[ . . . ]

Hairston refused to answer any questions about the incident when reached by phone Thursday afternoon.

“I’m going to take your query and move it up the ladder,” she said. “I’m going to send it over to the central office.”

The central office is the V.A. headquarters. Calls and e-mails to Phil Budahn, director of media relations for the Department of Veterans Affairs, also went unreturned.

“I’m guessing nobody’s called you back,” was Budahn’s only comment when reached late Thursday.

Gloria Hairston needs to be fired.  And the Veterans Administration needs to take a hard look at both its public relations operation, as well as whoever it’s letting walk around armed inside its facilities.  It’s pretty obvious that some of them lack the judgment you’d want from someone with a gun.

Sarah Cox, a public affairs specialist at the hospital, was reluctant to answer any basic questions about Hairston including the correct spelling of her name or the length of her employment.

Obama v. Obama on Secrecy

Greg Sargent catches this gem – Obama’s campaign site slamming the same Bush Admin secrecy policies that now he appears willing to keep.   Sargent further notes:

This underscores what a major turnabout this is and how difficult it will be for the Obama administration to justify this politically going forward. Yesterday White House spokesman Robert Gibbs visibly struggled as he defended the current use of the state secrets privilege while saying Obama still condemns Bush’s use of it.

This also creates a major political dilemma for some Democratic Senators, such as Russ Feingold and Patrick Leahy, who have aggressively criticized use of the state secrets privilege but have been largely silent on Obama’s current use of it.

The public heat needs to be turned up on all involved.  “Oh, that was just a campaign line” is not an acceptable excuse.


I just can’t leave those awful sounds up there.  Here’s some Gangstarr, Code of the Street:


Midweek Makeover: Waste of Perfectly Good Talent

Is it a successful cover when both the original *and* the cover make you want to jab a pen into your eardrum?



It’s a shame, as both of the artists above had/have amazing voices.  Utterly and completely wasted on this.  Unfortunately, one of them made a career out of it.

Only Blogger Ethics Panel Worth a Damn

Credit to P., for reminding me of this.

The Continuing Imaginary Attacks on Conservatives

Once again, the active right fights more with its own imagination than anything else:

I’m sort of fascinated by the latest ACORN conspiracy theory, that ACORN activists are crashing right wing “tea parties” in order to sabotage them. I’m fascinated, because like Steve Benen, I don’t know anyone who actually cares about these things. Obama’s approval rating is in the 60s. The country is growing more optimistic about his presidency. I could see being concerned about the tea parties if they legitimately comprised some sort of mass movement centered around widespread public discontent with the president, but it just seems to be a bunch of sour grapes from hardcore conservatives who would hate Obama no matter what. The far right also seems to have a hard time mobilizing without an evil enemy, someone to hate.

Check out the rest, as Ezra Klein walks it back to – yes – a single post on the internet.    It’s just a part of a real blossoming of the wingers imaginations, lately.  Community service is slavery!  They’re going to put us in camps!  There’s a New World Order coming! Or maybe it’s not so much imagination, as following a script.  Because I’ve seen this story before, in the early 90s- service is slavery, they’re going to round us up, the New World Order is upon us!  Same shit, different administrations.

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