Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: October 2011

Home(s): Variation on a Theme

I was terribly annoyed with Facebook, the other day, when it rejected my description for “Hometown”  (Western Hemisphere, if you’re wondering).  If I had to fill in one place, Fulda would compete for that spot:


Really a wonderful little town.  Went back in 2002.  And will again.

Friday Music: Stop/Motion

Chromatic’s Night Drive:


College feat. Electric Youth – Real Hero:


Kavinsky’s Nightcall:


Pathlete Dreams

Another Clarendon Cycles piece is up, this time on the local champs who fly down the Custis.  I resisted the temptation to link to Strava.

Clarendon Cycles: Group Rides and GroupThink

This week’s Clarendon Cycles column was inspired by the weekly Conte’s rides I’ve been hitting this year.  I’ve something of a love/hate relationship with it – when it’s good, it’s *awesome*.  But when I get stuck with people who couldn’t handle a paper bag, nevermind their bike, or who don’t seem to possess the ability to accomodate other traffic on the road, I swear it off.  Which means I swear it off every other week.  Which means, of course, I go back every week.  If just a few more people would be just little more thoughtful, I bet I could keep the swearing it off to once a month, max.

Even Sen. Leahy Knows You *Can* Take Pictures Here . . .

As part of an oversight hearing in which the TSA was (quite properly) criticized for a wide array of wrong steps and misguided policies, Sen. Leahy (D-VT) revealed himself as someone who appreciates the right to take photos:

Leahy, an amateur photographer, also faulted TSA workers for telling travelers they can’t photograph checkpoints—including when they see a well-known senator being put through the process.

“I do provide amusement for people taking cell phone pictures of me until the TSA agent tells them there’s a law against taking photographs [of checkpoints]. Of course, there is no such law,” groused Leahy, who as Judiciary Committee chairman ought to know. “Maybe you’ll miss your plane because they’re annoyed that you want to protect your rights.”

Keep at it, Sen. Leahy.

How Much to Kill a Cyclist? $30 in Goochland County.

Don’t even know what to say about this:

A Hanover County judge convicted a Manakin-Sabot resident Wednesday of failing to yield in a bicycle-pickup truck collision that killed well-known competitive cyclist Michael J. Fawell.

Fawell, 38, struck the passenger side of a pickup truck driven by Gerald Lee Anderson, 70, of the 600 block of Nelwood Road in Goochland County, and died from massive head trauma at VCU Medical Center in Richmond on Aug. 29, four days after the crash.

General District Judge Peter L. Trible said adverse weather, including driving rain, lightning and near darkness, did not absolve Anderson of his duty to yield to Fawell as Anderson turned left into Rockville Center on Pouncey Tract Road, apparently crossing in front of Fawell.

The judge fined Anderson $30. No prosecutor was present for the case.

More details about the incident and victim at the link.  Credit to Bill McKelway for writing it up fairly.

Midweek Whatever

This is Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl, by Broken Social Scene.  Video from someone I met on a trip a while back.


Park that car
Drop that phone
Sleep on the floor
Dream about me 

One More Nail In the Coffin

Lord help me if I ever seek employment with a risk-averse conservative organization in the future.  But this has to be one of the funniest things I’ve come across in a while:

I’m a simple man, really.

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