Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Month: June 2012 Page 3 of 4

Washington, DC

Immigration march, 2006

Isla Margarita, Venezuela

View from Porlamar, Isla Margarita, Venezuela

Farmersville, Pennsylvania, USA

Supporters in the hometown of Floyd Landis.

Agra, India

The postcard shot:

Taj Mahal in the morning.  Agra, India.

Waimea Bay, Hawai’i

Late winter surf at Waimea Bay, Hawai'i.

Arlington, Virginia

At the Air Force Cycling Classic.  UnitedHealthcare’s Jake Keough (far right) wins, and Team Type 1’s Alexi Schmitt . . . doesn’t:

Team Type 1's Alexi Schmitt slides through the sprint finish of the Air Force Cycling Classic.

Want the whole story?  Check out this gallery (and be sure to scroll for the full captions).

2012 Clarendon Cup Kids Race Photos

This year’s edition of the Air Force Cycling Classic Clarendon Cup kids race was as amusing as ever.  If you’re looking for shots, check back in this space on Monday.  In the meantime, here’s last year’s edition of the Clarendon Cup kids race (with captions!).

Clarendon Cup Kids Race 2012

Zugspitze, Austrian Side

Seoul, South Korea

Seoul, South Korea

Teotihuacán, Mexico

Teotihuacán, Mexico

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