Politics, open government, and safe streets. And the constant incursion of cycling.

Category: Music Page 14 of 29

Midweek Makeover: Reverberation

This week’s cover takes on one of my all time favorites, which recently made an appearance here:

Now, maybe it’s the fact that I had Cure albums in such heavy rotation in the 80s that I wore through multiple tapes, but I’m not really one for covers of their work (and lord knows they tried to milk it themselves, putting out number of crap albums with a half dozen remixes of the same song). But this – and I cringe to even name him – this Ben Folds cover, I really dig. And it’s not the vocals. In fact, it’s probably in spite of the vocals.


Midweek Makeover: Zeebrugge-Hull Edition

Not a lot to say, other than that this was inspired by recent conversations about the P&O Ferry between Zeebrugge and Hull.  I’ve got a couple dozen tracks that are well associated with that route.

OMD’s original:


Nada Surf’s cover (please, just ignore the video):


Photo by Simon Barrow

Weekend Music: Saturdays



Midweek Makeover: My Woman’s Edition

Tonight’s post has been stolen, wholesale. From someone you should be reading, if you care at all about music (hey, I *did* have a music audience. Maybe two.). But, in keeping with the theme of tonight’s post, I will treat her like my woman and not even blockquote the stolen material. Which could have been written by me, anyway. But everything after this? Is not.


I am going to pretend this was just such a well known secret that no one thought of actually talking about it, and so there was no possible way for me to know it, without stumbling across it through sheer dumb luck. Because how could I not know this most essential information about a song I’ve loved since I heard the very first bar? (I mean, it’s practically the first thing you read when you look up Your Woman in wiki.)

The awesome original discovered only this very night:

My Woman – Al Bowlly


and the equally awesome song that sampled the original. Not to mention–intentionally or not–how well the lyrics go together.

Midweek Makeover: Can’t Get You Out of My Head

If I either 1) spoke Hindi or 2) had an unlimited supply of Hindi-speaking friends I could annoy with constant questioning, I would dedicate an entire blog to the phenomenon of Indian, uh, appropriations of Western pop music.  Listen closely to many Bollywood hits, and you’ll hear a familiar hook and bass line.   I haven’t noticed it as much, lately, but there was as period in the late 90s where I was convinced I could track every hit charting in India to a Janet Jackson track from the 80s/early 90s.  In any event, discovered this one over the weekend, and thought I’d share it.

India’s DJ Suketu took a popular early 90s hit – Bin Tere Sanam – and remixed it into an even bigger hit:


The original, by Yaara Dildara, was an enormous hit in its own right:


So what did DJ Suketu use to breath some life into an already monster hit?  Kylie Minogue to the rescue:


Late Night Music: And That’s About the Time She Walked Away From Me


Weekend Addition: More of That

Dedicated to P., who is just trying to keep up:


Weekend Music: In Between Edition

Still in transit.

Midweek Makeover: What Might Have Been

The Beach Boys’ God Only Knows is – if there is ever such a thing – the perfect song.  Lyrically, harmonically, emotionally – everything is just right.  So much so that I just can’t listen to a cover without wanting to turn it off and listen to the original instead.  But the original almost wasn’t the original.  Turns out that Brian Wilson was originally slated to sing lead, instead of his brother Carl.  According to Brian, his singing lead had been in the cards for a while, and there are even recordings with him in lead:


It’s interesting.  Same voices, same space , but different roles that resulted in a very different song, I think.  Not worse, not better.  Different in a way that makes me wonder about the choice.  But maybe I just say that because it was Carl Wilson’s lead that I’ve been living with:


God only knows.

More Warner Music FAIL

Boing Boing points out that if you go to the official Sire Records (a Warner Music Group ) site, and try to click on any of the videos for Sire Records artists, you’ll get a notice that the video has been taken down as a result of a DMCA claim by . . .  Warner Music Group.  As a Boing Boing reader puts it:

Their long arm of the law has stretched all the way around the internet to spank themselves in the ass.

We already know that Warner hates its customers, but now it seems to have declared open warfare on itself.  Morons, truly.

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