Blue Commonwealth collapsed under a pile of childishness, self-obsession, and pointlessness today, and it appears to be done for. If you’re a reader looking for an alternative, I suggest checking out the New Dominion Project. I’m a fan of the primary authors, and while there are still some rough edges in the site itself, I think that place has a good future. If you’re a regular BC front-pager? Please don’t go over to NDP. Just sit and think about what a ridiculous mess you made, and go do penance by doing something useful, for once.  Like volunteering. Offline. For a while.  Through June, at least.
[Update: While I’m recommending places, I might as well toss in a link to the Angry Potato.  Funny and foul, but most of all – smart. Not a combination I’ve seen anywhere else in VA online Dem politics (well, Blueweeds gets the funny and smart nod, but it gets totally outclassed in the foul dept.)]