Someone must have kicked the cord out of the wall at the Googleplex, as I can’t access a single Blogger-hosted site. Or even the status page. Oops.
Update: Huh. Looks like a lot of people are asking the exact same question, by the looks of my stats page. Sorry, all, I can’t help. Google broke it, I guess. Go ask them. How? Just follow the yellow brick road . . .
Or stick around here while you’re waiting for the rest of the world to come back online.
Update II: Looks like the wizard sobered up and has things running. I know that Google is supposed to pay $$$ for everything, but here’s a free idea: they should really separate the hosting of Blogger and the Blogger Status pages. I know some good hosts, if they need some leads.
Cory Capron
Yeah. A day or two ago I noticed some trouble getting on. Now it seems dead. I guess this is what I get for not switching to wordpress over the summer like I said I would. But hey, when have I ever done anything I said I would with my blog?
it’s back up now…
Gee, why was it again that I switched to WordPress…? Oh, right. Blogger’s incompetent management. I forgot.
Heh. I was going to say something about the virtues of arranging for your own hosting, but I’m pretty sure that will call the wrath of the gods down upon my host . . .