Picking on Huckabee is like sitting under an apple tree in late season, waiting for your basket to fill with fallen fruit.  It’s really just too easy, and can make you lazy after a while (while also risking a bit of a headache).  But this little bit of Huckabee’s platform, relating to dual citizenship, is just too fantastic.  He wants to:

Impose civil and/or criminal penalties on American citizens who illegitimately use their dual status (e.g., using a foreign passport, voting in elections in both a foreign country and the U.S.).

That’s right, he wants to criminalize the exercise of basic civil rights held by thousands upon thousands of American citizens.   How this helps or what it achieves is entirely unclear to me.   I’ve gone through some of the comments over at Volokh’s place, and have yet to identify any cogent reasoning behind it.  Ah well.  Crazy is as crazy does.