DC enjoyed its first organized cyclocross event, this past Sunday. DCMTB/City Bikes did the heavy lifting in organizing and managing the races, and the U.S. Armed Forces Retirement Home (the new name for the U.S. Soliders’ and Airmen’s Home) provided an absolutely beautiful venue. I felt a little lame heading out there without even thinking of having a go myself, but it was so much fun to watch I pretty much left that feeling at the gate.
I hope they can pull off turning it into an annual event – it’s the sort of racing that makes me positively evangelical about the sport.
Gwadzilla, as usual, has the better words.
Pictures from the Men’s 3/4 & U18 race are available here. I’ll upload the rest of the afternoon races as I get a chance.
Updated: Scott talks about his race, and then his son Jake’s race. If I’m recalling things correctly, Scott got at least another lap and a half out of the day, keeping up with Jake (but on the other side of the tape . . .).
Women’s 1/2/3 race photos here. Betsy Shogren blew away the rest of the field by 2:30.
Junior’s (U16) race here. These kids rocked the course. Is your form this good?
Further Updates:
- VeloNews summarizes the A races here.
- Josh considers the 1×9 approach.
- Darren Bigg captures the morning races.
- And instead of lending a hand to his fellow DCMTB’rs and taking pictures of DCCX, Joe is . . . lazing about in Patagonia?
great photos and great collection of links
Keep up the good work! Check out http://www.crosstube.net for the latest cyclocross videos.